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24-25 Man Utd Home Long Sleeve Player Version Soccer Jersey

24-25 Man Utd Home Long Sleeve Player Version Soccer JerseyItem NO.: gP26719553

US$ 17.00
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Pre L +DXC.TE (34英超+左袖广告)(+US$ 1.00)
Pre L +NO.or+ DXC.TE (34英超/章下字+左袖广告)(+US$ 2.00)
Pre L +NO.or+ DXC.TE+ Flower ( 英超/章下字+左袖广告+红花)(+US$ 3.00)
UEFA E L +DXC.TE (欧联45+左袖广告)(+US$ 2.00)
Carabao Cup +DXC.TE (英联赛杯+左袖广告)(+US$ 1.00)
No Name No Number
Name / Number (Pre League Fonts)联赛字体(+US$ 3.00)
Name / Number (Cup match Fonts)杯赛字体(+US$ 4.00)
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24-25 Man Utd Home Long Sleeve Player Version Soccer Jersey
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  • Shooting due to the light environment, affect the color difference, please refer to the actual product received.
    • Product Name: 24-25 Man Utd Home Long Sleeve Player Version Soccer Jersey
    • Item NO.: gP26719553
    • Weight: 0.35 kg = 0.7716 lb = 12.3459 oz
    • Category: Premier League > Man Utd > Kits
    • Creation Time: 2024-06-27

  • 1.All jerseys with embroidery and hot stamping numbers or logos should not be washed and dehydrated in a washing machine, please wash by hand!

    2.Do not soak in powder or boiling water for a long time, and do not wash the number and logo position! 

    3.Please don't expose the number to the sun when drying the jersey. Drying the jersey in the opposite direction will help maintain the number! 

    4. Try not to fold to the number when storing, it is recommended to use a hanger or hang it in the sleeve!